Saturday, April 6, 2024
Illinois State University, Cook Hall
Exams will be individually scheduled and take place beginning at noon.
Registration deadline March 22.
Teacher MUST be an ASTA member. Violin, viola, cello, bass, guitar, harp.
The registration portal will be available 1/21 on this page.

What is it?
ASTACAP is an opportunity for string students of all levels to perform for adjudication (comments and certification). Students enter at one of eleven levels (Foundation Level and Levels 1-10) and earn a pass or a no-pass. Students who pass receive a certificate and feedback. Students who do not pass still receive expert feedback from an adjudicator.
What is performed?
• One or more solo pieces
• Required scales and arpeggios
• One or two etudes
• Sight reading
Is memorization required?
• Required scales and arpeggios must be performed from memory.
• For solos and etudes, memorization is strongly recommended and will be graded, but is not strictly required.
Is there prescribed repertoire?
• The required scales and arpeggios are very specific. Please consult the handbook for your instrument and level.
• For solos and etudes, no specific repertoire is required–teachers/students are free to choose any repertoire that meets the technical requirements of that level. In the handbook, many possible solos and etudes are listed as examples. You are allowed to choose from the listed repertoire or go outside the list.
What is performed?
• One or more solo pieces
• Required scales and arpeggios
• One or two etudes
• Sight reading
Is memorization required?
• Required scales and arpeggios must be performed from memory.
• For solos and etudes, memorization is strongly recommended and will be graded, but is not strictly required.
What level is right for my students?
• Any student may enter at any level. Levels may be repeated or skipped.
• Teachers should view the ASTACAP handbook for the appropriate instrument and choose the level that works best for their students.
When and where is Illinois ASTACAP?
April 6, 2024 – Illinois State University in Cook Hall
We invite IL ASTA members to volunteer to host additional sites. It is easy, and we will help you!
Is there a registration fee?
Yes, the fee per student is $35 foundation-level 4, $40 level 5-8, and $45 level 9-10
What about honors designation?
Honors designation is available this year!
I am not an ASTA member. Am I allowed to register my students?
Sorry – ASTACAP participation is only open to ASTA members. Please consider joining ASTA to take advantage of this and many other member benefits!
How do I register my students?
Registration is now closed